Help and Support

On this section you can find most frequent questions. If you had any specific problem, you may also contact support. We will reply to you in less than 24 hours.
What is Winnder?
Winnder is the platform that allows you to add an extra dose of adrenaline to your usual games while having the chance to win cash prizes by paying an entry fee. All of this is supervised by our professional referee team and guaranteed by an optimal matchmaking technology (Innovative Match System).
Who can participate?
Can I use Winnder on my phone?
Can I have more than one account?
Is it safe and legal to play on Winnder?
How do I link my game account?
Can I change a linked game account?
If my account gets hacked, what should I do and what happens to my money?
My account has been banned, can I come back someday?
How do I play?
Which games can I compete in?
What should I do if a user insults me, disrespects me, or refuses to play?
Can I play with a Smurf account?
Can I chat with other players?
How can I make a deposit?
How can I withdraw? What do I need? How long does it take for a withdrawal to be processed?
¿What is a FreeMatch?
What mini-games can I compete in?